Most Advanced Civilization in the World
If you ask ants about human civilization, what will they say? If humans are not less than God to ants, then did you know that we are in a civilization that is less than ants in the universe? In 2009, in the Citizen Project conducted by NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope, scientists found surprising things. They observed a structure around the Tapistar that was so large that it could absorb all the energy of the sun. However, it must be the structure of a very advanced civilization. Surely, it is not possible for humans to do this. Really, in the universe?

Is there such civilization? If it is true, what civilization do we humans belong to? Will we ever be able to match the civilization in the universe? The Ice Age ended 12,000 years ago. At that time, humans were very primitive as a tribe. After a few years, human civilization developed socially. We have also seen such progress that we can reach space since 200 years ago. The more our power increases, the faster we can Civilization also grows. Civilizations on other planets are much more advanced than ours.
In 1964, American scientist Frank Drudge came up with an equation that showed that there was a civilization in the universe that was more advanced than ours. This equation is called the Dirk equation. We can know how advanced that civilization is through this equation. In 1964, Nikolay Kardashev suggested that the age of a civilization can be determined by the energy consumed by each civilization. This scale is called the Kardashev scale.
All civilizations from Type One to Type Three can be calculated in this scale. If we follow this scale, we are now in the 7th civilization. It will take us at least more than 100 years to reach Type One civilization. The full power of the planet at that time is used in Type One civilization. If we reach Type One civilization, we can also control the weather conditions.
Earthquakes and volcanoes will also be under our control. Big cities on the sea will be big. We can build buildings. Now we are using only 70 percent of the energy on our planet. According to a scientist named Michokaku, we can reach a type one civilization in the next 100 years. A Japanese company called Obayashi Corporation is preparing to make this dream come true. In 2012, this company’s space elevator will be launched. Through this, a rocket can be sent into space through a lift that reaches space. This civilization is so powerful that it can create hundreds of nuclear bombs in just a single second. It can turn the entire ocean into fresh water. Then there will be no water problem. Even in such an advanced civilization, there are some disadvantages.
First of all, artificial intelligence is several times more powerful than humans, which means that everyone will be in a technological singularity. According to American scientist John One Human, by 2040, artificial intelligence will be more advanced than us. AI will surpass the capabilities of the human brain. By then, there will be no jobs that robots cannot do, which will definitely lead to unemployment. It will be more and more, who will have to turn into a robot?
Everyone should become cybernetic, half human, half robot. Technology should be inserted into the human brain. In this way, the brain’s capacity should be increased. Technology should also be used for our physical growth. In this way, we will gradually take steps towards a Type Two civilization. In a Type Two civilization, the entire energy of the sun is used. It is 1000 times more advanced than Type One. This modern civilization develops with the sun. It creates a structure around the sun and can store all the energy of the sun. This is called a Dyson sphere. The surface area of this structure is 600 million times greater than the Earth. If you look around any star through a telescope, it will be like seeing some advanced alien civilization. In 2009, as part of the NASA Citizen Project, scientists discovered such a star through the Kepler Space Telescope.
They say that there is a possibility of such a mega structure around it. This is what they mean by saying that this is a Tapi star. This means that there is an alien mega structure on all sides. If this is true, this Before civilization, humans were smaller than ants. In a Type 2 civilization, we can create structures that fly in the air and even build many habitats in space. All this can happen before any asteroid hits Earth. Here, terraforming can be done easily.
We can enjoy alien vacations and find advanced materials. We can even look inside the sun through the probes made in it. If we reach a Type 2 civilization, we will have enough power to empty the entire Earth and establish a permanent settlement there. Five billion years from now, the Sun will become a red giant and spread and swallow the Earth. At that time, we will be able to easily save the Earth. According to scientist Michał
It will take a few thousand years. After reaching a Type Two civilization, humans will use the energy of every star there. Star years will pass, and then we will step into a Type Three civilization. Now, some scientists believe that the aliens we think are related to a Type Three civilization are capable of using the energy of an entire galaxy. However, scientists do not say where they got that energy from. They are missing all the stars, neutron stars, black holes in the galaxy. If humans capture the energy of all the stars in the galaxy while we are in a Type Two civilization, then this Type Three civilization will come to us.
New stars can also be born in Type Three. This is a civilization that is so powerful that anything is possible. By then, humans will become cybernetic, so there will be almost no danger, meaning that robots will travel from one galaxy to another. It will be very easy, and the increasing Age can also be stopped, species are always young, all this becomes like child’s play. In this civilization, we can easily transform into any form we want. We can even get the knowledge to bring the dead back to life. We can recreate species that once lived on Earth. We can even know what is inside black holes.
According to Michał, it will take at least one hundred thousand to one million years for us to reach this civilization. However, there are some limitations in Type Three civilization. It is a prisoner of time and space. Therefore, as time passes, we will fully utilize the energy in one galaxy and return to another galaxy and go to Type Four civilization in a few hundred thousand years. In Type Four, space and time are also controlled. We can also manipulate the multiverse. We can reach anywhere in the blink of an eye because we have enough power to create a wormhole.
Through this, we can reach anywhere in time directly at the speed of light without taking any time. Fast moving We can also build spaceships. We can also travel back in time. We can even see dinosaurs with our own eyes. We can see the birth of the Earth and the universe. By this time, the entire multiverse will be visible. The population will have increased trillions of times because death will not exist there, so we can even save our ancestors. By this time, if we meet alien civilizations, there will be intelligent life in the universe. Thousands of species will be born. Perhaps by then, all other animals will also exist.
This civilization should develop intelligence in the universe. We can also use the most mysterious energy, dark energy. Every human being consumes the energy of an entire planet. We have a map of the entire universe. We can upload it and access the location. However, if these same civilizations are now aliens, they may be controlling humans with their advanced intelligence technology. It is scary to think about it. Where is the reality of our entire universe? Is this part of some computer simulation? Because such a civilization is very capable. It has
But we are doing small stimulations in quantum theory. If we have that much power, we can create and stimulate another civilization like us. Type Four civilizations. If all this is possible, will there be other civilizations with advanced technology that can take over them? This idea has terrified scientists. Nicola Cardias actually only proved the third civilization through statistics. It is theoretically assumed that they control various multiverses.
It is thought that in the second dimension, we cannot even imagine a civilization that is no less than God, and even more advanced than that. In other words, we have not even entered the Type Three civilization, but 50% of scientists believe that we are in a computer stimulation created with some advanced technology. Do you also have such a suspicion? Are we really under the control of some unknown power? Comment
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